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This is a new release from a requirement shared on Discord channel of discord.

The new nodes have the following options:

Variable Save:

  1. First input of this node is saved as default
  2. Upon receiving the true input on EN, AR or FR that name will be saved to the Variable Name that is setup
  3. After the value is saved the "Done" output is sent out to be used as a update send / receive sequence to update whatever you wish

Variable Load

  1. Upon receiving a true signal on Get input node the EN, AR or FR name is sent out as true and this can be used with a state machine to select only a specific group of nodes / models/text etc


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Test_Languages 3.5.7.bbdoc 467 kB
Variable Load.bbnode 1.2 kB
Variable Save.bbnode 1.3 kB

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